A unique Wellness Coaching Program
A Complete Transformational Journey That can change your life forever in 21 days
From topics such as How to Build Self Confidence to lesser covered topics like The Wheel of Life, this course has the most comprehensive curriculum ever designed to help transform your life forever.
Why This Course?
This Course is Perfect for you if you always keep asking yourself questions like
“How to increase self confidence”,
“How do I improve Self Esteem”,
“How to increase Self Worth”,
or even
“How to Handle relationships smoothly”
A One of A Kind course designed by professional life coach dr. Lissy shajahan.
What exactly is Transcendence?
The Word TRANSCENDENCE Comes from Latin Prefix Trans – , meaning “Beyond” and the word scandare, meaning “to climb”. When you achieve transcendence you have gone beyond ordinary limitations and that is exactly the state that I aim to help reach anyone who takes up this course.
What Our Clients Say about Us
Thousands of Lives were transformed under the guidance of Professional Life Coach and Psychologist Dr. Lissy Shajahan
Take A Look at Our Testimonials To See What Our Students Has to Say About Us.
Let’s Count The Benefits of Joining This program.
Live Testimonials From TRANSCENDENCE Graduates

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